ModalAI (Again!)

Last year was a lot of fun, so I’m back again!

This year, I’m working on the RB5 Autonomous mobile robot. So far, I’ve worked on the assembly procedures for the product and documented most of the build. There are lots of things that need to be finalized since it’s a new product and some design refinements that need to be considered.

Soon, once I’ve actually finished my first build (I’m documenting along the way) I’ll be working on some software for it, likely tutorials on how developers can actually use it. It is built to work entirely with the ROS framework, so I’ll get to learn how to use ROS a little better, which I’m excited for. It seems that I’ll eventually get to simply use the AMR for small, document-able projects, which will make the work a lot of fun… and allow me to use really expensive hardware for free!