Updates Blog

I decided to make a new blog (don’t worry, this one isn’t going away!)

After one of my friends told me about tailwindcss, which is probably one of the best plugins ever, I knew that I needed to do something with it.

This website was made with jekyll and tailwindcss. Jekyll is a static site generator that is incredibly easy to use, fast, and powerful. I’ve used it for many (all) of my websites (including this one). Since jekyll comes with kramdown straight out-of-the-box, I can also write all my posts/pages in markdown, which is great!

Additionally, I used a few useful plugins here:

The new blog is meant to be seperate from my this blog. I’ve found that I’m reluctant to actually add posts here until I think that what I’ve done is interesting or significant… which is very annoying. On my new blog, I’m going to detail all the little finds I make - the ideas I have, the things I’ve tried, the failures, and the successes. Over the summer, I did a ton of work on my quadruped and learned a lot, but since I didn’t record any of it, much of that work (which involved a lot of failure) can’t be seen, and no one knows what I actually did. My new blog combats that - it’s simple, fairly ugly, and took me only a day to make (I cranked this out on the first day of winter break, 2021). Thus, the posts will be short… just the little things that may seem insignificant, but in fact, aren’t.

I think this new blog also shows how far I’ve gotten on the web-development side of things. I still have never taken a single course in web design and have only learned from trial and error (which the new blog shows), It’s pretty cool that I was able to build an entire blog within a day.

You can find the blog here.